Laura Quijano Suárez
Laura Quijano Suárez.
Hello, my name is Laura Quijano Suárez. I am seventeen years old and I am in third semester of international business career. I enjoy going to the gym, I like to go at least 5 times a week and to learn new languages, right now I am learning english and french. I am also passionate about watching TV series like The Walking Dead and Game of thrones. Lastly I found reading interesting mainly about topics I am interested in for example skin care and healthy food recipes.
Possible interview questions
Example of class activity
1. Have you ever taken a train ?
2. I haven’t eaten marmaon
Since we started classes we have reviewed everything about present perfect and its differences with simple present.
for a sentence in present perfect in affirmative is written like this:
- I have eaten lobster.
- and in negative; I haven't eaten lobster.
As an example we can also say: Have you ever met with a famous person ?
Very good Laura. You are a good student